Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Good Ol' Suk-n-Fuk

If the Saux can have a Dice-K, I say that it's time that my Cubbies get a Fuk-U.
That's right, The Cubs just signed Kohsuke Fukudome to a 4 year $50 mil deal - God love 'em.


Chris B. said...

Waddle and Silvy (ESPN 1000 radio guys) played some of his big moments as broadcast over Japanese airwaves. It was pretty funny. If you're near a computer at 10:00 (eastern), check out for a live feed.

P-Dizzle said...

fukudome long time!

Michael K said...

There is a parody of "Thunderdome" in here somewhere. If weird All doesn't write it by spring training, I will.