Monday, June 29, 2009

Fuck the Cubs
(If They Ever Stop Fucking Themselves)

I haven't been following the Cubs at all this season. I lost interest long before the season even began.
Anyone unfortunate to breach the subject of the Cubs in my presence since early January has heard my angry expletive-laden rant on how trading DeRosa (my favorite MLB player) and signing Bradly (my least-favorite MLB player) was tantamount to ripping out the heart of the franchise and replacing it with a cancerous turd.
Fucking Cubs.
Well, now DeRosa is on the division-rivals Cardinals roster, and Bradly looks more likely to end up in Statesville than Cooperstown. So, I'd like to take this opportunity to say: "I told you so. I hope that DeRosa fucking decimates the northsiders in the remaining inter-divisional games, and leads the Red Birds to an 11th World Series victory."

As for the Cubs? Fuck 'em.
The only thing they have going for them right now is that they're not the White Sox, and that's cold comfort even in the heat of summer.


Meat Head said...

That's the starw that broke the camels back? Really?

It's the fricking Cubs! You will be back on the bangwagon soon enough.

I picked up the baseball package so I can watch all the games. It's like punching your self in the balls and paying to do it.

It's been a good week and if we can roll through the Braves and Shit birds we are right back on top.

Chris B. said...

I'm a fair weather pussy suburbanite who doesn't care enough about either team to have an allegiance. I like the bars in Wrigleyville on occasion and I watched lots of Sox games in 2005.

I like a few of the Sox players (J. Dye is chronically overlooked and consistently excellent and Buerhle is one of those guys who is casually devastating at his game) but I think DeRosa might be my favorite player, too. I bet he would have played catcher if asked last year, and his offense lifted an otherwise boring team.

There's something fundamentally wrong with the Cubs when DeRosa comes in and makes that big of an impact, and even Jim Edmonds becomes a favorite for his hustle, yet all those superstars seem to suck. Lee might be a good hitter, but he's not consistent. Soriano sucks, Fukudome is sad to watch, Bradley is a joke, and they're counting on Aramis Ramirez to bring a lift to the club off an injury. Maybe I don't pay enough attention, but as good a hitter as Ramirez is, is he a leader in the clubhouse now? Isn't he also known for epic meltdowns in the playoffs?

Bah, I'm nurturing my Cutler fever.

The Liar (on a different account) said...

Don't get me wrong, I'm still a Cubs fan 100%, but sometimes if you love something enough you want to see it die a horrible painful death.