Sunday, August 2, 2009


NIU's sophmore starting quarterback, Chandler Harnish, and the senior leaders of the defense and offensive line, at the urging of coach Kill (best name for a football coach ever), have spent the summer drilling at least twice a week on their own. They're heading into a meat grinder on the road at Madison in their first game this season. I think that will either harden them or destroy them.

Please, wish them luck. And if anyone has any interest in coming out for a tailgaiting adventure this season, check out the scedule and let me know.


edP said...

Tailgating with the Old DOg would be incredible. But what is a "scedule"? Is it a list of bands slated to play in the Undergrund?

olddogdk said...

I'm totally dropping your brat on the ground before I hand it to you, dickhead.

Chris B. said...

Please, let's try to call each other "Butthorn" from now on, okay guys?

olddogdk said...
