Monday, July 6, 2009

Beaten Dog

If you think about the rise and fall of Rex Grossman, it is a pretty sad story. This video cracks me up, regardless. Skip to close to the end for the Grossman stuff:

I've never seen someone so begrudging about a job, but who could blame him after squandering all that potential to a couple freak injuries early on, then getting back in time for his veteran o-line to suck and his go-to running back to leave in favor of the worst RB I've seen on the Bears. I've never claimed he was perfect, but I do think he has the worst luck.


The Liar (on a different account) said...

I think you got the wrong clip - I watched it through & never picked up on any thing about Sexy Wrecksy.

Then again, after about 2 minutes of Schuab prattling on about how the Texans are going to suck slightly less this year, I kinda drifted off.

Meat Head said...

I had to watch it three time to figure out... there was no Grossman. Schuab made my mind go blank and forget why I was watching the clip in the first place.

Chris B. said...

Crappo. Sorry. They might have nuked it.

olddogdk said...

I was a little concerned by the title of this post...

santipissed said...

Those interceptions were just bad luck? He was almost as bad as Cade McNown. The only difference was the team