Wednesday, April 9, 2008

100th Post

Holy Cow!

I can't believe that KfS is up to its 100th post. When I started up this blog last fall, I was half-expecting it to fade into digital ephemera once I lost interest. Granted, I haven't posted since the end of football season, but the bullpen is rocking.

Way to go guys - I'm proud of ya.


Meat Head said...

Any time I can rant about sports I you will get my participation. My life revolves around it.

I recently got two 42-inch TV’s for free. It was payment for doing what Meat Head does best. Help people move. For what ever reason when people need shit moved I get the call. Usually I get some beer and pizza. I was asked two weekends in a row to move to separate people and they were ditching old tube TVs for new flat screens.

I now have a ghetto version of my man room complete. Soon the warden will be making Doc money and I will replace these for HD flat screens. Until then I have one TV in the corner of office, this is for sports. The other is front and center with Xbox hooked up, this is for gaming.

Now I no longer have to decide between watching sports or playing Xbox. I can do both at the same time.

Yea Meat Head!

Go Cubs!

DC Liar said...

You're livin' the sweet life, Meat Head!